
Дузджэ щыщ Адыгэ зекIо куп Адыгэ хэкум зыкъыщаплъэхьыгъ

Мы мазэм (мэлылъэфгъу) Тыркуем ит къалэу Дузджэ къыщежьыш Адыгэ хэкум нэс Автобус къэкIуагъ. Ахэр нэбгырэ 40 хъущтыгъэ, Адыгэ хэкур зэрагъэлъэгъунэу ыкIи зыкъыщаплъэхьынэу къэкIогъагъэх. Мыекъуапэ,...

Зи Хэкужъ къэзыгъэзэжьыгъэм и Мафэкlэ сышъуфэгушIо!

Ныбджэгъу лъапIэхэр, зи Хэкужъ къэзыгъэзэжьыгъэм и Мафэкlэ сышъуфэгушIо! Адыгеимрэ Урысыемрэ ятарихъ хэхьэгъэ хъугъэ-шIэгъэшхом – илъэс 25-кIэ узэкIэIэбэжьмэ, Урысые Федерацием ипащэхэр IэпыIэгъу къафэхъухэзэ, автоном краеу Косовэ...

Kfar Kama entered the list of the best tourist villages in the world

The village of Kfar Kama was recognized by the United Nations Tourism Organization as a "tourist village" and will be part of an international...

International Circassian Conference in Poland

In Poland on November 7-9, 2022, the First North Caucasian Conference was held under the title "Ethno-cultural problems of the Circassian people". The event...

In the cinemas of the North Caucasus will start showing the Circassian film “Prince Marukh”

This month, the cinemas of the North Caucasus and the Russian Federation will show the Circassian film “Prince Marukh. The Road of Courage”, filmed...

Ukrainian Deputy proposed to the Rada-Parliament to recognize the Circassian genocide

Deputy of the Supreme Ukrainian Parliament (Rada) Aleksey Goncharenko submitted to the Ukrainian parliament a draft resolution on the recognition of the genocide of...

Cancellation of march in Nalchik on Adygs’ Memory Day outrages social network users

Authorities of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) have denied the request of the initiative group to hold on May 21 a mourning march for victims...

Famous Circassian Islamic philosopher Tsei Jawdat Saeed passed away

The Circassian Islamic thinker and cleric Sheikh Tsei Jawdat Saeed died in the late hours of Saturday, January 29, 2022, at his residence in...

Film director Sokurov complains about threats to his life received from Chechnya

In his appeal to the Human Rights Council (HRC), film director Alexander Sokurov apologized for what had happened at a meeting with the Russian...

Son Makaleler
