
The Circassian Genocide: The forgotten tragedy of the first modern genocide

Introduction Protests against the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi displayed banners of the phrase “Sochi, the land of genocide.” This was in reference to the coinciding...

5,500 Year Old Beer Straws Found in Maykop

The Bronze Age Maikop kurgan is one of the most richly furnished prehistoric burial mounds in the northern Caucasus. Its excavation in 1897 yielded...

Убзи, уихабзи, уафигъэсакъыщт

Тхылъ дэгъур сэ сшъхьэкIэ къошышIум фэсэгъадэ, етIа­ни ар уилъэпкъ шэн-хабзэ фэгъэхьыгъэ зыхъукIэ, уеджэн­джэ­шыжьынэу щытэп умышIэрабэкIэ къызэ­рэотэщтым, къы­зэ­рэпхигъэхъощтым. ЗэлъашIэрэ шIэныгъэлэжь-этнографэу Унэрэкъо Мирэ итхылъэу «Адыгэ хабз» зыфиIорэ...

Hittite-era inscription discovered in Konya’s Karaören Village

A Luwian hieroglyphic inscription from the Hittite era discovered in the Karaören Village in the Central Anatolian province of Konya's Emirgazi district is being reckoned one...

Фыщт ыкIи Ошъутен яхъишъ

Зэгорэм, охътэ блэкIыгъэ чыжьэм, тичIыпIалъэ зэгурыIо-зэрэлъытэу Фыщтрэ Ошъу­тенэрэ щыпсэущтыгъэх. А лъэ­хъанэм Ошъутен пщы гукIэгъу­шIагъ. ЦIыф тхьамыкIэхэм сыдигъуи ишIуагъэ зэраригъэкIырэр оркъхэм къякIугъэп, тебанэхи зэрапхъуагъ, ишъхьэгъуси...

Fund for the Circassians, 1864

In June 1864, a subscription account entitled ‘Fund for the Circassians’ was opened at Hoare’s Bank. The account was short lived: no donations were...

Wakala al-Sultan Qaytbay complex to become heritage hotel at LE100 mn cost

The Tourism and Antiquities Ministry’s Historic Cairo General Directorate has announced the first restoration project for Wakala al-Sultan Qaytbay complex in Old Cairo’s Bab...

Son Makaleler
