Ukraine recognizes the Circassian Genocide !

The Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, has recognised the Circassians’ right to self-determination and the 19th century genocide perpetrated against them by the Russian Empire, making Ukraine the second country to recognise the genocide after...

Ukraine recognizes the Circassian Genocide !

The Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, has recognised the Circassians’ right to self-determination and the 19th century genocide perpetrated against them by the Russian Empire,...

Дузджэ щыщ Адыгэ зекIо куп Адыгэ хэкум зыкъыщаплъэхьыгъ

Мы мазэм (мэлылъэфгъу) Тыркуем ит къалэу Дузджэ къыщежьыш Адыгэ хэкум нэс Автобус къэкIуагъ. Ахэр нэбгырэ 40 хъущтыгъэ, Адыгэ хэкур зэрагъэлъэгъунэу ыкIи зыкъыщаплъэхьынэу къэкIогъагъэх. Мыекъуапэ,...

The Baron von Münchhausen of British Travel Writers: Edmund Spencer and his Travels in Circassia

Author: Azamat Kumykov 1 Introduction The 1830s in Britain saw a tremendous rise in the number of newspaper articles and books devoted to the Circassian question....

The Circassian Genocide: The forgotten tragedy of the first modern genocide

Introduction Protests against the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi displayed banners of the phrase “Sochi, the land of genocide.” This was in reference to the coinciding...
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Circassian Language



Anti-Kadyrov Chechen YouTuber Reappears After ‘Assassination’ Claims

A dissident blogger who is a vocal critic of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov turned up alive Tuesday after going missing for more than two...

Kfar Kama entered the list of the best tourist villages in the world

The village of Kfar Kama was recognized by the United Nations Tourism Organization as a "tourist village" and will be part of an international...

Putin Declares ‘Partial’ Mobilization Amid Ukraine Losses, Warns West of Nuclear Response

Russian President Vladimir Putin declared a “partial” military mobilization in Russia during a televised address Wednesday morning, vowing to use “all means necessary” to achieve Russia's...

Famous Circassian Islamic philosopher Tsei Jawdat Saeed passed away

The Circassian Islamic thinker and cleric Sheikh Tsei Jawdat Saeed died in the late hours of Saturday, January 29, 2022, at his residence in...

Son Yorumlar



In the cinemas of the North Caucasus will start showing the Circassian film “Prince Marukh”

This month, the cinemas of the North Caucasus and the Russian Federation will show the Circassian film “Prince Marukh. The Road of Courage”, filmed...

5,500 Year Old Beer Straws Found in Maykop

The Bronze Age Maikop kurgan is one of the most richly furnished prehistoric burial mounds in the northern Caucasus. Its excavation in 1897 yielded...

Ипщынэ макъэ кIосэщтэп

Къэбар гомыIухэр уцухэрэп. Джыри зы чIэнагъэ адыгэм идунай ышIыгъ. Джыри зы щыIэныгъэ уз емынэу «ковидым» ыхьыгъ. Мызэгъэгум Германием щыпсэурэ тилъэпкъэгъухэм макъэ къагъэIугъ «Псыблэнэ Фарук...

Despite Muslims’ opinion, historical building of Rostov mosque handed over to school

The Mayoralty of Rostov-on-Don has handed the building of the cathedral mosque, built in early 20th century and rebuilt in Soviet years, for which...



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